L’Arche Tahoma Hope is a member of the International Federation of L’Arche. The first L’Arche community was begun in 1964 in Trosly-Breuil, a village north of Paris, France. It began in much the same way that L’Arche Tahoma Hope did – in response to the need for companionship of two men with disabilities. Out of this single response has grown a Federation that is made up of over 135 communities in 36 countries throughout the world.
Although each community functions autonomously, all are committed to a common mission. Individual communities take on the flavor of the culture they are immersed in, yet there is a familiar feel to any L’Arche community, regardless of what language is spoken or what religion is practiced….it feels like home.
To find out more about L’Arche International, visit their website.