by Les Leise, core member at Ananda; Pietro Boffeli, Residential Director; and Jonathan Ross, Development Director

Les is connected to many people in the greater Tacoma area, and nowhere more than his faith community at Saint Leo Parish. This past spring, Les spoke about his faith with his housemates. After some conversation, they searched to find Les’ baptismal certificate. Les has been an active member of Saint Leo’s for many years, but they could not find any baptismal certificate. He had never been baptized or confirmed.
Supported by his housemates, Les called Father Matt. After some discussion, Father Matt asked a very important question, “Les, would you like to be baptized?”
Les responded, “Yes!”
After the conversation with Father Matt, Les began to tell stories about baptism. He described what he’d seen other people do over the years as they prepared themselves for the sacraments. Things that he hadn’t done, like when candidates knock on the church door. Priests pour water over each person’s head, and the Chrism oil is used to anoint each person for confirmation. These are important symbols of the Catholic faith. They are important to Les as ways to demonstrate his faith and sense of connection.
Les ordered a “confirmation kit.” It contains books with images explaining the sacrament, and a CD with songs about the saints and other parts of the faith. Les loves to show off a beach ball from the kit, with questions on the sides for exploring his faith and relationship with God. Les has enjoyed all the ways this kit allows him to connect and deepen his own faith.
Les is experiencing his faith in new ways, although he is having to be patient about the baptism event itself due to COVID-19. Currently, the plan is that Les will be baptized and confirmed next Easter. Les hopes that everyone can come witness this very important event in his life. Les reminds people that after he receives the sacraments, the whole congregation will clap for him – joining him in the joy of this highly-anticipated moment of affirmation and connection.