Todd Rothrock (Spokane) “It was so wonderful to share the delegate experience to the L’Arche International Federation Assembly in Belfast, …
Reflections from Our Assistants
One of the most powerful testimonies to the impact L'Arche has in the world is from first hand sharing by assistants. Each person comes to L'Arche differently and, therefore, each one is affected by their time in L'Arche differently. Below are some assistant reflections to give you a better feel for how lives are touched by L'Arche.
Reflection from Jesuit Novice, James Millikan, nSJ
By: James Millikan, nSJ And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not …
From Australia to the Farmhouse…
By: Benjamin Scott Benjamin is an assistant at Farmhouse. He journeyed half-way around the world to participate in a peace walk in Australia in …