“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you.….but if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon”
– The Message Bible (MSG) John 15:4, 6.
“Looking high into winter trees
I see the distant nests
Cradled in arms of branches.
Nests: round, full of warmth,
Softness in the welcoming center,
A circle of earth’s tiny goodness,
Flown from the far corners,
Patiently pieced together,
And hollowed into a home.
Nest: awaiting the treasures of life,
Simple, delicate dwelling places
From which song will eventually echo
And freedom of wings give flight.
Advent has been on my mind.
Prepare the nest of heart.
Patch up the broken parts.
Place more softness in the center.
Sit and warm the home with prayer.
Give the Christ a dwelling place.”
-A Welcoming Nest, by Joyce Rupp
Advent is a season of Love, darkness and light, deep reflection and of waiting, of making a bit more room for faith, light, love in my life. Advent invites me to once again be still and wait. To be open and willing to let my heart be changed and to welcome newness and the light of Christmas that comes through Jesus’ birth. Several years ago, as I was entering a stage of training as a Dominican sister of San Rafael my parents sent me a bird’s nest gently wrapped in the mail. It was an overwhelming gift of love, acceptance, letting go and hope for me with a message that read “Before a bird leaves the nest it must be willing to learn how to fly.” You have…. This was and still is a treasured symbol of acceptance but it has become a symbol of Advent for me as well. Each year I bring it out and use it to remind me to continue to grow and be open to all that awaits me with the special season of Advent and the coming of Christmas.
How do I let God change our hearts during this time no matter who we are? How can we be open to embracing more fully the light, hope and love that faith, no matter what our faith traditions are. Are we willing to simply be still and let the hope and light of Christmas dwell within us so that we can possibly be a light and hope to those around us and the whole world that needs hope, light and a bit of peace? Are we willing to let Christ, love, light and peace have room in our hearts so that we can continue to be instruments of peace, assurance and hope in all, and in a hurting world that needs our light? May each of us be enfolded with peace, light and grace in this wonderful time of waiting, joy and expectation. Yes, I will listen, wait, pray and welcome the gift of Christmas.
– Sally Lowell, OP