This week for Walk n’ Roll Club, we’ll be walking around the farm and harvesting apples (and whatever else there is plentiful of!)

–  Please RSVP by 9am on Monday of the walk so we can know who to expect before we start our stroll. 
–  If you find yourself feeling sick or unwell the day of the activity, we kindly ask you to stay home. 
– Be prepared for the heat! Bring water, stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, wear a hat to stay cool, and most importantly pay attention to your body. If you feel more tired than usual, too sweaty, like you might throw up, or dizzy, Please let us know ASAP. We will have extra cold water and first aid supplies on hand.  
–  If you are fully vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask outside. However, if you are close to someone wearing a mask we ask you to wear one to respect their safety. If we go to another location, we may need to wear masks to respect local guidelines!
–  Bathrooms will be available for use as needed. Wheelchair accessible bathrooms are available down the street at our Welcome Center.
–  L’Arche staff cannot provide one on one support or personal care assistance. If you need either of those things, please be sure to plan accordingly with a caregiver or support person. 

Event Details